There’s a chill in the air, the Michael Buble record has been dusted off and chocolate is starting to feel like an acceptable breakfast… Christmas must be on it’s way! Now, we all know that this is the speciality of the big guy in the cosy red suit. But just incase he’s taken down by the cold that hit our household last week, it’s always good to have a backup plan and keep in a few stocking fillers for kids… just incase!
The Secret To Stocking Fillers
- After seventeen years as a mother (of four children at last count – five by next Christmas!) I’ve found a balance between things my children love and what I can tolerate. The sweet spot lies in getting them things that make their faces light up with joy but that also don’t give me an eye twitch when I see them scattered about our home. For this reason, I do tend to minimise the toys that talk (especially if they have a catchphrase… Black Mirror flashbacks!) stain or have Peppa Pig involved in any way.
- The traditional toys tend to become unexpected favourites.
- Gold chocolate coins are essential stocking fillers for kids. Essential.
Make It A Mixed Bag
You don’t have to spend a fortune, but if it’s in your budget, including a few beautiful keepsakes is always a lovely idea. Having a special teddy become a favourite for the next six years ‘because he’s from Santa’ is quite special, really. Don’t worry, you can bulk it out with cheaper edible treats and fun bits of nonsense!
Stocking Fillers For Kids – Ideas
A Maileg Elf – This would be one of the special additions I was referring to. A vintage-looking friend who can be carried around in their own matchbox? Sounds like a keepsake to me. We have quite a collection at this point, I think the twin baby mice in a box have been the most loved so far, though the Grandpa & Grandma mice hold a special place in my heart.
Temporary Tattoos – Ignore the heart palpitations at the thought of that soft, sweet skin ever going near a tattoo parlour (sorry, my dear parents… I get it now!) These are always a hit. It’s the school holidays and the season for chunky knits, so the ideal time to let your kids decorated themselves. I love these ones from Acorn & Pip, and have bought them for each of my children’s stockings.
Books – While I don’t suggest cramming the full works of Shakespeare in as a stocking filler, there’s something wonderful about pocket libraries. My son carried his Gruffalo Little Library around with him for weeks after getting them for Christmas! I’ve seen some lovely sets, including Elmer and Peter Rabbit. If you’re looking for bigger books for gifts, whether they’re Christmas Books or The Greatest Young Children’s Books Of All Time, I think books are always my favourite gifts to give. They’re each an adventure, after all.
The classic knick-knacks – They’re classics for a reason! Paper aeroplane kits, stickers, crayons, yo-yos, lipgloss, nail varnish (I found this wash-off one for my daughter… what a glorious invention!) hair clips, gnarly finger monsters,
Socks – The cosier, the better… do you remember toe socks from when we were kids?!
Bath Bombs – Rainy winter afternoons spent in special baths are a favourite in our house, and bath bombs are always a treat. These dinosaur ones will have my son over the moon, while these colourful rainbow fizzers will keep his sister happy for weeks.
The Pranks – Whoopee cushions, fake spiders, or the whole prank shebang, they’re dreadful and glorious and absolutely a necessary part of childhood!
Puzzles – The one thing that will buy you a little peace from your over-excited offspring on Christmas Day: including a miniature jigsaw as one of your stocking fillers! This sweet little Matilda puzzle is sat ready to wrap in our cupboard.
Torches – I don’t know what it is about torches, but children are obsessed with them?! You could go with the classic option, or add a twist with these story torches.
*Tip: Ensure you don’t order a strong/adult torch. My son got hold of my husband’s work torch and nearly blinded the whole family in minutes!
Cuddly Toys – The more unique, the better – it’s come from The North Pole after all! This squirrel should do the job nicely.
Magic Tricks – These are always a hit, and perfecting their magical prowess will keep your little ones happy while you cook Christmas dinner/ doze in front of the fire.
Tasty Treats – Chocolate gold coins are absolutely mandatory when stocking up on stocking fillers for kids, but it’s nice to include a few extra treats too. These nibbles fresh off the Hogwarts Express do the job nicely, or you could pick up some of your child’s current favourites.
A framed photo – This is such a lovely touch if you want to make it feel more personal. Santa brought my older boy a snow globe with a photo of him and his brother one year, and it didn’t leave his bedside for years.
Yoto Cards – Of course, this only applies if your children have a Yoto Player (a screen free audio player that children can control themselves) They make fantastic main presents in themselves – we gave our kids each a Mini Yoto with headphones last Christmas and they’ve used it every day since. There’s such a good range of audiobooks available and they’re the perfect size to be stocking fillers for kids.
Playdough – It’s the perfect opportunity to replenish your stocks!
Remember, a well planned, productive November makes for a merry December.
That wraps up (pun fully intended) ideas for stocking fillers for kids, let me know in the comments if you have any I’ve missed!
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