Rich, thick and creamy, this Homemade Hot Chocolate is perfect for those cozy winter nights. I love curling up with the kids, mugs of chocolatey deliciousness and a pile of our favourite books.
Eleven years ago, I sat in outside The Vatican, sipping the most phenomenal hot chocolate I had ever tasted.
Ordinary in appearance, even on the smallish side – this hot chocolate was art. As hot chocolate has always been my beverage of choice (I never reached the level of adulthood required to enjoy tea or coffee our of anything but necessity or social obligation) I have become quite the connoisseur!
But I had never tried anything like this back home.
So began my quest to rustle up the perfect gourmet homemade hot chocolate!
Thanks to my enthusiastic taste testers, this is actually better than the one that inspired me in Rome – thanks for your tireless efforts, kids!
What you will need to rustle up the perfect Homemade Hot Chocolate:
2 Cups Full-Fat Milk
1\2 Cup Extra Thick Double Cream
180g 70% Dark Chocolate, grated/chopped into flakes (Quality will make all the difference… I use Green & Blacks)
2 tsp Cocoa Powder
2 tsp Maple Syrup (You could use sugar instead if that’s all you have in the cupboard – but Maple Syrup gives it a lovely rich taste)
200ml Whipping Cream
* Optional Extras
A blanket, thick socks and a chunky knit sweater
A cold Autumn/Winter evening
Let’s make it:
- Place 2 cups of full-fat milk and 1/2 a cup of heavy cream in a saucepan
- Whisk together over a low heat
- Add 180g good quality dark chocolate and whisk as it simmers – do not bring it to boil
- Add 2 tsp cocoa powder and 2 tsp maple syrup
- Taste test – this is how we like it in this house but you might like to make it sweeter with more maple syrup
- Remove from the heat and set aside, it will thicken while you…
- Whip the whipping cream until it’s thick and forms soft peaks
- Next, pop marshmallows on sticks and roast over a flame. Alternatively, you can place them on a lined baking tray and toast in a preheated oven.
- Pour out your hot chocolate, spoon on the cream and top with marshmallows.
Curl up in a nest of blankets with a good book/film and enjoy your Homemade Hot Chocolate!
Love, Helen
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